Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Whats next?

I have been back from my road trip for a month.  The trip is over, however my journey isn't.  In fact, I feel that it has only begun. I really enjoyed writing down my thoughts and retelling the adventures I had.  Why should that have to end?  It shouldn't.  The new blog will be the sequel to the trip blog.  A continuation of my random thoughts, climbing, and everyday life!

Subconsciously I don't want to go back to work.  Or at least that's what I think.  Since returning, I have worked a little.  By that I mean I worked one night at the Lake House, did one odd job, and I am working this Saturday at the Lake House.  None of which have been extremely lucrative.  I still have money in the bank, more then I am accustomed to.  However, if I am home in NH, in my apartment I feel that I should work.  Why should I eat away at the money I do have if i don't have too?  Am I becoming greedy?  I have a desire to make money, at the same time I can't find the motivation to commit to anything.  There are other restaurants I could go to, I could find a boring desk job, or anything.  So why haven't I?

My lease ends on March, 31st.  There is a big "?" surrounding that date.  There is an endless stream of thoughts running through my head. I can never spend enough time on one thought to truly evaluate it before another one creeps in.  I like my apartment, the location and rent are awesome.  The building is quirky and a bitch to heat in the winter.  I'm afraid to sign a lease for another year. I have a roommate who isn't my favorite person to live with.  The hardest part, about the situation is I don't think he gets anything.  He doesn't understand how is actions affect those around him.  Thats all I am going to say about that.

So, what do i do.  Move into another apartment?  Move away? So where?  Do I commit to graduate school?  I've been contemplating graduate programs in geology, geography, a masters in education, or psychology?  As my mood changes through out the day so does my psych.  Some times I'm interested in education, other times it's geology... a sign curve of emotions.

The amazing news is this.  I did some epic, amazing ice climbing in the Adirondacks.  Met this guy named Joe Szot.  He is 50, doesn't look a day over 40, has a massive fro of curly dark hair, and is an ice and mixed climbing machine.  He is responsible for a majority of the hard classic lines in the Adirondacks.  He runs a unofficial climbers hostile out of his barn.  It is an ice climbers paradise.

Me, Leading Pleasure Treasure. Poke-O-Moonshine, Adirondacks

I also got out and did some single pitch vertical ice in the Flume Gorge.  The flume is great because of the quantity of hard ice climbs.  The hike is easy, the gorge is cold and the ice is fat!  I went there with my friend Keith.  He and I lead some pitches and set top rope up on some steep lines too.  We repeated the lines, a.k.a, ran laps for strength, endurance, and technique.

Me, leading the first climb of the day in the Flume.
  This has to be the funniest turn of events.  The other day, Saturday to be exact.  I was getting ready to drive down to Boston to visit my friend Andrew.  I was hoping to find someone to ice climb with.  People were either busy, or thought it would be too cold.  Around noon, I was blasting metal and Jay Conway appears in my door way.  He said Tim and Jay Knower were climbing at Waimea and it wasn't bad!  We went rock climbing!

Jay Conway trying to stay warm!
Tim Deroehn working the Barracuda section of Cold War.  Jay Knower looking like a creeper belaying!
It turned out to be a great day climbing.  It was 18 degrees, the sun warmed the rock to the touch.  I was psyched. I was able to warm up on Techno Surfing.  But I was schooled trying to resend Suburban.  Fun was had, some people stayed warm and others froze.  A typical day rock climbing in the middle of winter!

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