The world is vast and diverse. There are billions of people on it, each one special and different. They are flawless, educated, and erudite of their history and culture. However, no matter the differences between societies, religions, or GDP’s, we are all human beings. Broken down to skin and bones, we are the same. We eat, sleep, breath and reproduce. We live out of necessity and that necessity is to live. What ‘you’ do in life is up to ‘you.’ But that is a fallacy. Sometimes ‘we’ are victims of our circumstance. Some are born into a poverty stricken family living in a third world country, others born handicapped and some privileged. These are the things that are out of our control. Despite inherent advantages and disadvantages, people seek out the same pleasures in life; they seek love, the perfect beer, the greatest accomplishment, the newest endeavor, the best this or that, happiness, people strive to be happy.
Why is it, within a culture, i.e., people living in the same country, from relatively the same socioeconomic background, is there still so much variety? How come people still have different values, intellects, common courteously, respect for their fellow man? A person can be given everything in life. Money, respect, a perfect family and still be an awful person. While a person who has suffered their entire life is the happiest? Despite being from the same background people are different. Is that how people living under the same roof can have altering ideas of right and wrong, one can lack empathy, be blind to everything except what is going on around them? Cohabitation is a bitch!
I need change. I fear if things don’t change I will go insane. I am content and happy with much of my life, but there are a couple things that drive me crazy. It is bad as a result of my lack of action. I am not afraid of offending people, the situation I am slowly chips away at my patience, eats away at my sanity, overwhelms me when I just want to relax… I can’t do anything about it. I would rather avoid conflict then say something, move away before every mentioning a thing.
I am stuck in the melancholy world of the mid-twenties trying to figure out my life while enjoying it. An uncertain, happy and sad, psyched and crushed, tongue biting, Emile.
Abbreviated rant of the day, I am tired of being upset by a few things in life. Talking and thinking about them are turning me into a bitter person. I want to be happy all the time. If that is greedy then give me more. Life is ever evolving and I am learning as I go.