I will appoligze ahead of time for any incorrect spelling. The dictionary in the computer is in Spanish, therefore everything I am writing is incorrect! Sorry. Also, the internet connection is not good enough for me to upload pictures. Sorry, but trust me, I have a lot and they will be shared!
It isn´t fair to say how amazing Spain is. From the cities, to the towns, the climbing and the country side! It is amazing. Everyone who has the opporutnity to go to Europe needs to. It is something everyone must do!
First things first. British Airways is the best airline to fly internationally with. 8 movies were available to watch at any given time. The food was decent. We had dinner and breakfast. Our flight left Boston at 6pm. However, because of the flight time, combined with the time change we arrived in London at 500am. It was only fair for them to give us both meals! Now, this has to be the most amazing part. The liquor. It´s free. I´m not talking one shot worth, no. I ordered bourbon, first asked how much it cost... FREE! Anway, the fight attendent gave me two nips! Not sure if I was going to push my luck, but I asked for another round. And yes, it was free! I´m sure I could have gone for more, but I was already happy!
We arrived in Barcelona 1035am local time. We picked up our rental car at the airpot and quickly realized how crazy Spanish drivers are, especially in Barcelona! Tim was at the helm and we rallied through the city. After being perpetually lost we pulled over for espresso and internet. We were able to get WiFi on our phones and figure out where we were. After finding our location and talking with a few people, we decided to head to La Rambla. It is a beautfiul and old part of Barcelona. Not to mention the higher end of the city.
The city is full of fresh markets, flower shops, bars (espresso bars and American bars), people and shops. I couldn´t believe how many clothing shops and jewlery stores there were.
We walked around until we found an affordable hotel. Most of the hotels quoted us at 299 € a night! That is almost 500 US dollars. We eventually found a nice hotel for 140€. It was great. We decided the next day, Friday, my birthday, that we would head to Siurana. So we went out for a night on the town, in honor of my 25th.
We went out to a bar and had tappas and beer. The food was unbelievable. Fresh and delicious! The beer isn´t bad, but it isn´t like the micro brews we have in the states. After dinner, we returned to the hotel room. We needed to relax for a little. At 11hrs or 9pm, we went out! I could have never have imagined what was going to happen.
At the third bar of the evening, the owner bought me and Tim a shot for my birthday, the bar tender did too, and these girls we ended up talking with. Heather and her friend Nydea arrived in Barcelona that day as well. They were having a good time. They were hanging out with a Spanish guy. I can´t remember his name, but I remember this. When I first started talking to Heather, he said, "hey man, thats my girlfriend." Not thinking much of it, honestly because I was just looking to meet people and have a good time. However, I would find out later, he was not her boyfriend. I only became privy to this after he had disappeared and Heather couldn´t find her purse. The girls had never met this guy before, and he had scammed them. None of us believed it. I was blown away that these things actually happen. Was it because they were girls? Heather mentioned a few times about how much money she made, but honestly... I can´t believe I watched this all happen and had no clue. Granted, I was enjoying drinks and shots for my birthday.
Needless to say, despite the robbery the night was unbelievable! Each day that goes by, I wonder if the trip can get any better? The answer is yes. With each passing day I am more and more elated. This place is amazing. It is so hard to convey how beautiful it is here, how amazing the small, mid-evil towns are and the culture.
I am slowly picking up Spanish. Mostly common phrases so I can order food, espresso, and beer. Being here makes me want to learn Spanish.
There is so much to talk about, but I don´t want to spend my entire trip on the computer.
We are staying at this amazing campground in Siurana. It was started by Toni, he has many first ascents in Siuranna and is a strong climber. The actual town of Siurana has 20 citizens and is a 10 minute walk up the road. The climbing here is awesome, technical, crimpy and hard! The European standard of hard climbing makes the US standard look like childs play.
Adam Ondra did the first ascent of a 9b (5.15b) the week before Tim and I arrived. We walked into the Cafe for dinner last night, and Chris Sharma was there with his girlfriend. Tim and I had dinner the table over from Chris and Dailia. Chris herd word of the new route and had to come and try it. There are many 9a+´s (5.15a) here. It is crazy. Tim and I saw Chris warming up today. It is amazing to watch him climb. Oh and Dani Andrada is here. I just saw him in the cafe. This place is a mecca for hard climbing. All of Spain is. The more and more Tim and I look into the climbing destinations here, the more we are blown away.
I am serisouly considering moving here! Damn, it is amazing.
Yesterday I sent a 7b (5.12b) second go and today I onsighted a 7a+ (5.12a). Both climbs were a lot of fun. I have been trying harder routes 7b+ (5.12c) but haven´t sent any yet. They are extremely difficult. The climbing is hard here in Siurana. But, I am begining to get the hang of it.
Not that I am biased. But, I am happy that this trip to Spain is also a climbing trip. If it wasn´t, I woudln´t have seen half of the things I have seen so far. Plus, the climbing is great.
I´m sure I missed a few things, take my word for it. This place is amazing and so is this trip! Thanks again to everyone who thought I should go! I owe you.
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